So you're going to an Indian Wedding

Monday, August 7, 2017
Wedding season is just winding down, and the learning has been steep for me, particularly because I've been invited to celebrations in unique locales, seasons, and of various cultures. The most recent one that threw me for a loop was getting invited to an Indian wedding.

Here's what I learned:
  • What should I wear? Well, that's a great question that I've had to wrestle with myself! Cultural appropriation is a sensitive subject and you're certainly not putting on a costume. However, it is acceptable to wear traditional Indian dress. Most Indian couples are honored when you attend their wedding in appropriate attire. If you have questions about appropriate dress, ask the couple! Generally brighter is better. When in doubt, wear a bright scarf and bright, heavy jewelry.
  • Will the bride wear white? Nope, usually the bride and groom will wear Red or Gold, depending on the region of India they are from. 
  • What should I expect? Surprise! It probably won't start on time. We aren't all that different. Indian Weddings usually don't start on time. If you struggle wrapping your sari on the way to the temple, you're probably not going to walk in late.
  • What should I bring? Besides a wedding gift, of course? Bring a small cash offering for the temple, if there is one nearby. It's possible you may be walking through and you want to be respectful.
  • What can I expect at the ceremony? Similar to Christian ceremonies in the United States, Indian ceremonies are dependent on the couple, their faith, and where they are from. Extremely traditional ceremonies in India last up to 8 hours. In the US, rituals and ceremonies are omitted or condensed to make a 1-3 hour ceremony. This does not mean guests sit and observe the entire ceremony. Guests will usually stand, talk and eat while the ceremony goes on up front. Really, the couple does all the work during the ceremony. 
  • What's the reception like? It's an awesome party, just like a US reception! Instead of doing the Chicken Dance or the YMCA you'll be dancing to lots of Bollywood and bhangra music. Make sure you're ready to boogie! 
  • This sounds like a lot of work. Should I go? Absolutely YES! There are LOTS of unique weddings traditions you will get to observe in action. The bride's family will be looking to steal the groom's shoes before entering the altar- he's got to pay money to get them back! And at the end of the night, he's got to pay of every male member of the bride's family to enter the bridal suite to see his bride for his wedding night (Awkward, I know...). Grab a seat next to someone in the know and get ready to gossip.

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