Girls Weekend | Cincinnati

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I'm learning more and more how much work it is to maintain relationships with the people we care about when we get older and get busy with our own careers and families. It's a hard truth, but when we go our separate ways and move to new cities after college/grad school, its a lot harder to keep in touch!

My girlfriends and I decided it was long overdue to get together and have a weekend in Cincinnati, where one of my friends moved after school. Even though the weather had been amazing in the week leading up to our reunion, it of course decided to snow and rain for our reunion!

We decided to escape the gloomy weather by going to the Art museum. It was a great way fill the day and spend some time together.

After our museum fun, we headed home for some afternoon naps (we aren't getting any younger), fresh makeup, and a night out on the town to see my girlfriend's Improv show. She did great! I'm so proud and impressed by her picking up an interesting new hobby.

I was trying to think of the last time I tried something new- maybe going to yoga? I guess I need to work on being as adventurous...

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