Demolition Weekend | The Mystery of the Dining Room Hump

Monday, June 28, 2021

When I toured my house we wondered....what is this massive bump in the middle of the house? After closing we were practically racing to get over to the house and start tearing away at the wall to figure out what was back there. What is behind the dining room hump? Is it a weird waste of space? Why would anyone put this here?

This is a better shot of the hump in question in relation to the rest of the room to you can see how out of place it is!

Pre and post reveal!

Ta da! Another surprise! This was a bit of engineering done to hide....A HOT WATER HEATER! (During my home inspection, the inspector could not find it. He said "You have hot water here but I cannot locate a hot water heater. I'm sure you'll find it in your renovations") The hump is actually a well-engineered cabinet that slides off the wall to reveal the heater...more surprises!

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